I had tackled the headers whilst I was dealing with the clean and paint of the engine after the service, Click HERE to read about that. The silencers had both been taken off at an early stage and parked up at the back of the garage. They where not in bad shape. a scratch here and there and just a bit grubby. They where quite clean because you can get at them easily so general cleaning is not a problem.
It had occured to me that once I broke the seals on the exhausts they would probably not be reusuable. The OEM exhaust clamps where it bit tired. I figured I would probably break them as I removed them and so I got a set of exhaust gaskets and stainless steel clamps.
It took a bit of fiddling to get the graphite gaskets off the pipes. As expected they were destroyed in the process. I used wire wool to clean up the are where the gasket had been.
The jobs was simply enough. Wash the the dirt off. Use Gunk degreaser for the heavy stuff, rinse with hot water. They where better but to finish them off toothbrush and Autosol (click HERE for website). The Autosol and elbow grease did a good of removing the barked on grime. The photo doe snot begin to do the job justice.
The silencers were returned to their corner of the garage until they were ready to refit to the bike. Fitting them to the bike was a doddle. The gaskets slipped on snugly, I was very careful with them. I remembered to slip the clamps over the pipe beforejoining up the silencer to the header collector pipe. The mounting bolts went strightin, with a dab of copper slip to help get them out if they ever come off again. The clamps were nipped up. Lter when the bike was run there were no leaks fro the exhaust.