Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Front Suspension refit

   The fork legs were set aside after fitting new seals but not for long. Click HERE to read about the fork seal replacement. I washed the sliders down with degreaser, then rinsed with water. When they were dry I rubbed them down with emery cloth to remove any rough patches. The intention is not to polish the sliders but to provide a key for the paint. I masked up the new seals and chrome stanchion. Then a can of gloss spray enamel paint was sprayed on in thin coats over a few days. The result is smooth and shiney. That should prevent the road dirt sticking and make cleaning easier.

   Whilst the suspension was out I set about cleaning the front brakes. The brakes are linked to the back brake and visa versa. With free access to the brake calipers it was a straight forward job to remove the brake pads then scrub everthing with degreaser. Each caliper had six pistons. Each one was pushed partly out by squeezing the brake levers. Then it was a case of scrubbing the compacted road dirt from the pistons. Easy enough, it just took some time and effort. With the pistons moving easily I turned my attention to the elements of the brake carriers. These just need a good cleaning and greasing where appropriate.

   The rattle can got a shake up and thin coats of enamel were sprayed onto the carriers avoiding the moving elements. With the calipers drying the brake pads were cleaned with brake cleaner and a toothbrush. In due course the pads were fitted to the caliper. A little copper grease was applied to the end of the pad securing pins. The front end was now ready to be reassmbled.

   There is a left and right fork. The dirt deflector was fitted to the top of each slider. Each leg was identified and slide through the bottom yoke and in to the top yoke. The top edge of the stanchion was lined up with the top face of the yoke and the pinch bolts tighened. In the interim the front wheel fender had been cleaned, inside and out. New clips had been fit where necessary. The fender was offered in to its place. a couple of bolts were gently fitted. The front wheel was refitted but the splindle was not completely tightened. The brake assemblies for each leg were refitted ensuring free movement where required and secured where required. The brackets for the brake lines were secured. The remaining bolts were fitted to the fender and the whole finally tightened up. The wheel was spun to ensure it moved freely....It did!